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Showing posts from September, 2009


They have always been there when I have needed them. They are my best friends. They are great moms and aunts. They have always been there when I needed a good laugh or a good cry. They don't hold anything against me. Even if it is something they don't agree on. They offer great advice and their ears to listen to all my gripes, concerns, moans and tears. They will do anything for my family. They are compassionate. They are O so understanding. They are a good time when we all need one. They are a shoulder to lean on. They are fun to take road trips with. One is 5 years older the other is 5 years younger. I am the middle child. They make me thankful for all the small things in life and with out the 2 of them I would be lost!

This made me smile...

Seeing this made me smile today so I had to post it. I was actually going thru pictures trying to organize for some upcoming projects and saw this one I took 2 weeks ago or so. The best way to spend a Sunday morning....napping with the baby!!