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Showing posts from October, 2008

The warmest hello...the sweetest good-bye!!

She's a cat .... yes I know!! Every time we leave no matter the time of day she will sit and look at us with the saddest eyes and wave goodbye...the funny thing is is that she will always be in the window upon our arrival....shes on our clock...most cats are in their own time zone!! When we walk up she looks happy again and starts to paw at the window greeting us.....its cute...i had to share.....and with that.....good night!!!

You keep me warm inside...

Another sure sign its fall.....Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks...I hardly ever get a beverage from here but maybe twice a year....when summer turns to fall i indulge in the pumpkin spice and when winter turns to spring i indulge in a pomegranate green yum!!! i read recently that when Starbucks "turns red" everyone starts decorating for Christmas..... so be looking for the red cups November 28!!!! (which is naturally the day after Thanksgiving!) but if you have been to the local hobby/craft store, Christmas was out right after school started!!!! Grab a cup....add some whip cream or that extra boost of "get you going" as i like to call it a.k.a. espresso shots....and enjoy!!!!

blah blah blah.....

its been a weird week.....full of not so great older sister got laid off of her job...i had to have some blood work done for something abnormal.....(havent heard from them so no news is good news) my uncle was in a motorcycle wreck and is in a hopital thats not in his home is more and more stressful as the days go on.....i have piles of boxes i still havent unpacked and we moved in to this house in July!! car needs to go back into the shop for some unexplained squeak it has when driving.....i need to try to get into a newer grandpas cancer wont go away....i want a much needed vacation before the baby gets here...but i cant travel very cooking my first turkey this year for still trying to press for working part time after the baby arrives....wish me luck there!!.....this turned into more of a vent blog....i feel better.....

Wheres Whiskie??

This is my favorite time of the year....the crisp air, the rainy days, pumpkin patches, baking! Although I bake out of a box...nothing really from scratch, either way there's something about fall that makes me want to break out the eggs,whisk and mixing bowls though. I'll make you a finished product but this....this is my FAV.OR.ITE part...licking the bowl clean...!!!! Grab a plate and a glass of milk....these are triple fudge brownies!! YUM!!!