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Showing posts from May, 2009

Where does the time go?

He is 6 months already!!! ( well actually Friday ) Where on earth does that time go? In all honesty I couldn't wait for him to be this age when he was a newborn so i guess in a way i rushed it....i was ready for him to do more than eat sleep eat sleep poop. Now he has more personality and i LOVE it!! I will cry in 6months from now...because he will be turning one! and i will be chasing after him with NO time to myself. If i think i get no time now....just wait. I have a feeling he will be all over the place!!....but its better than sleeping eating sleeping eating and pooping!

All is well...and everyone is home...

Jynx came home today. He has a cast over his pins. They ended up finding more wounds that needed stitches so he has 3 different sets of stitches on his leg and his paw is still really swollen. He is on 3 different pain meds as well. And we are still baffled as to what happened. Josh went to let him and the other dog out and came in for maybe 20 minutes...went back outside and Jynx was hurt. We have searched the backyard and garage but can not figure out what has happened. So who knows. Jynx isn't saying either! It was bad enough to have caused some small places to stitch and 6 pins worth. Its really sad. His little throat is dry from where they had the tube in his throat so he cant really whimper. And the other bad thing is, is we were going to take him to get groomed and now we have to wait 8 weeks! O well. I'm really glad that he is ok and it wasn't AS bad as it could have been and hes home now. Thank goodness for puppy insurance!!!!

Never a dull moment....

I get to work at normal time...which surprises the hell out of me sometimes when i do that!! Josh calls me about an hour later with panic in his voice telling me something is wrong with Jynx (our 4 1/2 month old puppy) his leg was bleeding and maybe broken he needed to be rushed to the vet. So i leave work...take him to the vet only to find out that it was indeed broken. Poor guy. Not the puppy Josh...he looked like a little 3 year old that just let his balloon go and was watching the wind take it away. Any way.....they drugged up Jynx took x-rays and told us he will need surgery. 6 pins and 2 hours later they call only to say he wont be able to come home until Thursday!! :( The next two weeks should be fun.....i hate seeing animals in pain and even more so when they are my pets!

The weekend in pictures...and a few words

First the sky was beautiful Monday! It was supposed to rain but ended up not. This is Jaxon he actually fell asleep after the BBQ. He had been outside more then inside that day. My grandma set up a play pen/crib...that my dad used along with my 3 uncles when they were babies. Ribs Ribs and more Ribs!! Josh and Nathan manning the grill. See outside all day....and although he is in just his diaper here hes carrying his pajamas he wore the night before. He was really attached to those for some reason. And more importantly thank you to all in the service. A day later than Memorial Day...but never a day forgotten.

The weekend to-do list that i actually did....

* Played with Jaxon until I was worn out * Read one chapter in the book I need to finish * Took alot of pictures and a video of Jaxon...saying his first word!! Which was Da-Da....and he will crack up when we say......"say Mama"...I don't get it....I carried him for 8months....whats his deal? * Had a cook-out at my Grandmas * Painted my toe-nails * Watched yet another marathon of Jon and Kate Plus 8 Sunday...(while playing with was really on for background noise) because Jessica the Hippo was actually boring!! * Called my little sister who is vacationing in New Hampshire and has been gone a week...only to find out she was at the OshKoshBaGosh Outlet Mall....whoo-hoo....Jaxon will have yet MORE clothes than me!!!!! * Helped.....errr...watched...(well I'm not going to even lie about this one).....Heard Josh digging up a tree trunk in the backyard. It sounded like alot of work though * And I enjoyed a REAL day off with Josh....we talked and caught u...

What I've noticed lately.....

That Jaxon doesn't need me or daddy to hold his bottles anymore for him. I actually took this Tuesday cause it was the first time he had held it for the whole length of his feeding and he has been doing it for every one of them since. What am I to do now? That Triscuit has a new cracker that is VERY YUMMY!! and I know that when my little sister returns from her trip she will see this and before she finishes reading this blog she will be on her way to the store to pick some up! That is just how well i know her! :) That the cat loves to lay inside the kitchen curtain. Which there for means also laying on the kitchen table. And last but not least....there is a Hippo in this world named after me. She has her own TV show!! WTH !! I'm a little bit more interesting then a 6 month old 250lb hippo...... aren't I?

My weekend to-do list.....

* Clean Clean Clean this house! * Finish the book I started in July 2008 * Clean out the hall closet, our bedroom closet, and Jaxons closet as well * Fix Jaxons room---see I rearranged it a few weeks ago....I don't like where the rocking chair is and where his changing table is so I will swap places with them. * Organize pictures * Attempt to go shopping for scrapbook stuff. I have been wanting to start this as a hobby but never really have. I have 3 boxes of pictures and I have some really good ideas for albums, I just never have made the time (or effort) to start. * Take a bubble bath...I haven't had one of those since I was ummmm.......6 weeks pregnant!...and man I stink....I'm kidding....I shower daily...OK I take that back I showered today and Thursday was the last time I had one!! Wish me luck...honestly the ONLY thing I will get done is maybe ....maybe.....bullet number 4

Summer is HERE!!!!

Isn't that what Memorial Weekend is all about??......i made a list at work of all the stuff i wanted to do this weekend....and well i haven't started it yet....but its Friday night. Jaxon is majorly teething right hes was sleeping while i .... yes...i enjoyed a cold beer on the front porch. Josh was here and that's the only reason why i had one. Ive been needing to paint my toe nails all week. He feel asleep and i went out on the front porch while the water sprinkler was going and painted my toes and had a beer. a cold beer. after a long day. after a loooong week. i will get this list tackled. i will. but right now I'm off to bed...after all i have a 3 day weekend!!!!

When I stop for this moment....

When I took the first picture of Jaxons feet...he was about 4 weeks old....I stared at them for the longest time. Inspecting every wrinkle, checking out all 10 toes and thought... these feet will be this small for a long time. He will be 6 months old in a week and a half. I took another picture of his feet. Inspected all the little lines that weren't really wrinkles anymore, checking out all the 10 toes that are getting bigger and thinking these feet will stay this small for a long time . I will do this again when he is about 9 months and then again when hes about a year old. I hope Jaxon realizes I'm the mom that will do this when he's putting on his shoes the day of graduation. The day he is putting on his shoes for his wedding day. I can't imagine these little feet any bigger than they are now. Where will they go? What story will they have to tell?

And he's down for the count!!

What a weekend! Why is it that you seem to have more to do in the spring/summer? I know weather is a huge factor...but stil...Jaxon had a very busy weekend!..this is a picture loaded post...started Saturday with lunch at Tacos Garcia with grandma (O MAN is she going to kill me for this one!!) aunt Jennifer uncle Tim and Jessie....... Jessie is Jaxons 4 yr old (half)sister...she comes to stay with us every other weekend...she's funny..she's random...she makes him laugh....see above there?..random!!! she wanted to go to the park! Great-Grandma comes to visit Jaxon every weekend..because she swears he grows a foot every week...apparently she likes him in just his diaper :) Aunt Christy and cousin Zach come and visit every chance they can...which is usually every Sunday afternoon...since he is learning to sit up on his own she bought him a penguin...that doesn't fall over, has balls in it, plays music and he had some fun with that!! And he's out....can you see him with ...

Joys of Motherhood 3

The ever dreaded... (well on my part....Jaxon has no choice in the matter) TEETHING !...the excessive drooling has begun....the biting down on my fingers....the slight has begun...poor thing....he chews on daddy's knuckles...he will suck on my fingers until they are raisins.....i feel the bumps on the lower gums of potential teeth...its coming...cant he just wake up with a full mouth of teeth one day.... But on a fun note..he is getting better at this whole crawling no he hasn't mastered it yet....still pulling up on the knees and not using his arms....then he will pull up on his arms and not his knees....hes getting it.....its coming....

It's because of him...

That I was able to celebrate Mothers day...its because of him that I am a better person...its because of him that I have more love in my heart... its because of him that I am able to make up my own funny songs, that I spend more time in the day making funny noises and faces..... its because of him that Goodnight Moon is now MY favorite book. its because of him that I am a MOM ....a mommy....a mama. I am very blessed to have him as my son. Today was my first mothers day. Today...I will remember forever.... Happy Mothers Day to all the MOMS....the mommies...the mamas!!

You can't see it....but it's there!

Tuesday my right eye started bothering me....i had an eyelash in it (no BIG deal)....then Wednesday it was a little blood shot and watery and really aggravating Thursday it hurt...still felt like something was in the eye....go to the eye Dr and i have a corneal abrasion....which can also be similar to a corneal ulcer ...which Ive had in the past and they HURT!!!...I'm very sensitive to light right now and its constantly watering. If its to bright indoors i have to wear my shades....which is no bueno this weekend because my little sister is graduating from college....and i really don't want to be the girl in the sunglasses that's to cool for school...futures so bright i got wear get my point....OK off to apply some more drops!!

And they caaalll it Puppy Looove!!

This is Jaxon and his puppy Jynx. Jynx is a 3 1/2 month old schnauzer. Him and Jaxon were both C-Section babies. Jaxon doesn't know what to think of Jynx and visa versa. All either of them know is that one likes to lick and the other one likes to drool...and kick...and scream (with excitement) and eats squash and green beans and such that apprentally smell good to the puppy. This is playtime. This is a chaotic time because we are trying to get Jaxon adjusted to sitting in his Bumbo and playing (with us) and then alone. Jynx isnt having it! He wants in the Bumbo he wants in the babies mouth he wants to sit on the tray of said Bumbo and he wants to run away with all the toys. Jaxon laughs. Jaxon kicks him and throws things at him. This is my evening.....This is play time....!!

The Joys Of Motherhood 2

The fact that I make it out the door with Jaxon surprises me some days! I am *always* running late. Going across town to a family BBQ can feel like we are going on a 3day road trip. Enough bottles..check!....blankets...check!...extra outfits...check!!...enough things to keep my 4 year old (future) step-daughter entertained...check!...her cuppie...check!...her kitty...check!!...everything in my purse that I need and then more that I can live without?...check!...and of course pictures for great-grandma...check! Not to mention we brought his swing along as well as all the meat to feed about 20 people...UGH!....the joys of it all....I'm 15minutes from home and I thought we were staying for a few days!!....The real joy I have in family gatherings is well.....the family gathering! Happy Weekend!!!