* Clean Clean Clean this house!
* Finish the book I started in July 2008
* Clean out the hall closet, our bedroom closet, and Jaxons closet as well
* Fix Jaxons room---see I rearranged it a few weeks ago....I don't like where the rocking chair is and where his changing table is so I will swap places with them.
* Organize pictures
* Attempt to go shopping for scrapbook stuff. I have been wanting to start this as a hobby but never really have. I have 3 boxes of pictures and I have some really good ideas for albums, I just never have made the time (or effort) to start.
* Take a bubble bath...I haven't had one of those since I was ummmm.......6 weeks pregnant!...and man I stink....I'm kidding....I shower daily...OK I take that back I showered today and Thursday was the last time I had one!!
Wish me luck...honestly the ONLY thing I will get done is maybe ....maybe.....bullet number 4
* Finish the book I started in July 2008
* Clean out the hall closet, our bedroom closet, and Jaxons closet as well
* Fix Jaxons room---see I rearranged it a few weeks ago....I don't like where the rocking chair is and where his changing table is so I will swap places with them.
* Organize pictures
* Attempt to go shopping for scrapbook stuff. I have been wanting to start this as a hobby but never really have. I have 3 boxes of pictures and I have some really good ideas for albums, I just never have made the time (or effort) to start.
* Take a bubble bath...I haven't had one of those since I was ummmm.......6 weeks pregnant!...and man I stink....I'm kidding....I shower daily...OK I take that back I showered today and Thursday was the last time I had one!!
Wish me luck...honestly the ONLY thing I will get done is maybe ....maybe.....bullet number 4