Since he could talk he has had a certain Independence about him. "I do it". I loved it when his little voice would say those words. Even though he sometimes had no clue what he was doing. Or he wanted to lend a helping hand with me, I have always admired that he was a hands on learner.
Now that he is 4 he really doesn't need much help getting dressed. I still stay present just in case he needs my help. "I do it all by myself" are the words he says now. It makes me a little sad that he doesn't need me for everything now.
"I'm hungry" are words I hear alot from him. So I tell him find something to eat and I will help you make it. I let him put the snack ideas together. He can open the fridge. He can open the pantry. So he can grab whatever his little heart desires.
Here he is with minimal help from me making a peanut butter sandwich. "Watch me mom" are the words I hear when he does something all by himself. And I watch. And I snap photos. Because there will be a day that he may not need me at all and all that I will be doing is watching and snapping photos. And that's OK. I want him to know its OK to try. I want him to know that there are things he needs to take charge of and do himself. But to also know that I am right here when he needs help.
And to also know that when you are in charge of your own snack making that you can put as much peanut butter on the bread and on that spoon and eat it all. I took several photos of him doing this yesterday and I really wish I had more walls in my kitchen....because his photos of him eating or creating or helping me cook would be all over the wall :) Happy Wednesday!