This is Jaxon and his puppy Jynx. Jynx is a 3 1/2 month old schnauzer. Him and Jaxon were both C-Section babies. Jaxon doesn't know what to think of Jynx and visa versa. All either of them know is that one likes to lick and the other one likes to drool...and kick...and scream (with excitement) and eats squash and green beans and such that apprentally smell good to the puppy. This is playtime. This is a chaotic time because we are trying to get Jaxon adjusted to sitting in his Bumbo and playing (with us) and then alone. Jynx isnt having it! He wants in the Bumbo he wants in the babies mouth he wants to sit on the tray of said Bumbo and he wants to run away with all the toys. Jaxon laughs. Jaxon kicks him and throws things at him. This is my evening.....This is play time....!!
