Jynx came home today. He has a cast over his pins. They ended up finding more wounds that needed stitches so he has 3 different sets of stitches on his leg and his paw is still really swollen. He is on 3 different pain meds as well. And we are still baffled as to what happened. Josh went to let him and the other dog out and came in for maybe 20 minutes...went back outside and Jynx was hurt. We have searched the backyard and garage but can not figure out what has happened. So who knows. Jynx isn't saying either! It was bad enough to have caused some small places to stitch and 6 pins worth. Its really sad. His little throat is dry from where they had the tube in his throat so he cant really whimper. And the other bad thing is, is we were going to take him to get groomed and now we have to wait 8 weeks! O well. I'm really glad that he is ok and it wasn't AS bad as it could have been and hes home now. Thank goodness for puppy insurance!!!!
I hope he heals quickly.