The fact that I make it out the door with Jaxon surprises me some days! I am *always* running late. Going across town to a family BBQ can feel like we are going on a 3day road trip. Enough bottles..check!....blankets...check!...extra outfits...check!...toys...check!...enough things to keep my 4 year old (future) step-daughter entertained...check!...her cuppie...check!...her kitty...check!...camera...check!...everything in my purse that I need and then more that I can live without?...check!...and of course pictures for great-grandma...check! Not to mention we brought his swing along as well as all the meat to feed about 20 people...UGH!....the joys of it all....I'm 15minutes from home and I thought we were staying for a few days!!....The real joy I have in family gatherings is well.....the family gathering! Happy Weekend!!!
