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Johnson Family 2013 ~ Year Review Part 1

 This has been a great year of change, growth and accomplishments. Jaxon turned 5 this year and started Pre-K. Jessie is in the 3rd grade and she turned 9 this year. Jill turned 12 and is greatly enjoying the 7th grade. Him and Jessie love doing crafts at the table. Paint, color, draw, cut and paste! They are defiantly my busy bodies!

 This was the year for wild and wacky hair. Jessie went purple at the beginning of Jan. They chose crazy hair as a reward for staying on the A or A/B Honor Roll. They are now back to their original colors and, even though the wacky colors were fun and exciting, I am glad they are back to their roots :)

 I had spent hours in 2012 on Pintrest. And one of my Resolutions were to start putting my pins to use! I have the girls bookshelf a makeover. And even pinned my own work on Pintrest!

 I became "public" about my Alopecia. Only family and very few friends knew of my new condition. And once I posted the new me on Facebook, I was actually please everyone was so accepting of my new change. I know a wonderful group of people.

 O Laundry DAY!! Chores in general are a pain, but as I collect so much crap and money, I am simply reminded I have 3 wonderful kids to do laundry for. Who cares that my house isn't spotless!

 Jessie played Spring soccer. This was her teams end of year party. She received a medal, trophy and an award for most improved player. She enjoyed it, but quickly realized it wasn't a sport for her. Not sure if it was all the running or what, but she will take on new stuff this upcoming year!

 Jill and I. That is a whole other subject in itself, so I will keep it short. Her and I hit some milestones this year. She finally woke up one day and realized I wasn't the mean evil step-mom I was made out to be by her "mom". It only took a stressful, trying 3 1/2 years for her to realize it, but here we are! Both of us are still learning about each other and making progress daily.  Of course all that may change when she's a teenager but at least I will know for a short time we were friends. :)

 Her crazy hair do! She went purple for a short time. She is thankfully back to her original color now too!


 The finished project! It took me about a month due to bad weather in needing to paint the bookshelf, but its definitely a wonderful touch to their room and its something they both can enjoy.

 Valentines Day 2013!!

 I am finally in front of the camera for once! My husband took this and entered me in a Super Mom contest. Sadly I didn't win among the thousands of contestants.

 I cranked out 64 homemade Valentines for school parties and friends! And as easy as it would be to get the box crap from the store, these are much more personal and the plus wont receive the same one in return.

 19in of snow! Not the most we have ever received, but enough to shut school down for 2 days. I like snow. In pictures. I think it is pretty and very fresh looking as long as it is gone by the next day.

 AHH The ever anticipated Spring Break! We ventured off 3 hours and went to the WaterZoo in Clinton, OK! Kids had a blast and the bonus is an indoor water park. Cheap road trip. Priceless memories.
 I want to be a young girl again. Where your only worry is what color of polish will match your outfits that week. Gossiping in the front yard with your girlfriends about boys, fashion and counting down the days to summer....

 Meteor shower in April! We never saw it, but it was crazy cold and windy. After loosing my hat and running after it in a field, we decided to snap a few pics and hurry home!

 Easter Day 2013. My family. Its small and way dysfunctional but at the end of the day they are still my family.

 High Plains Fast-pitch gained a new beginner in the softball world. Number 13 is Jill! It was fun. Sunday practices. Monday, Thursday and Saturday double headers.

 Batter up! She defiantly made the most improvement of all the other new girls and we are counting down the days till spring season starts again.

 Spring dances, dress shopping, boyfriends, heartbreak, just being a pre-teen in this face paced world.

 May 17 ended Jaxon's school year of Montessori and Dad and him jumped on the band wagon of having crazy wacky hair for the summer! Jaxon picked the cut and color!

 Day after school ended (6-8-13) We spent 8 1/2 hours at the pool that day! Hey we had to get our tans on for the summer!

 Every Tuesday in June - August we went to a concert in the park. Enjoyed everything from Country, Bluegrass, Jazz, Classic Rock. It was a good time to meet up with friends. Took our own food and drinks and it was Free to watch the show! Cant beat that with a family of 5!

 The hail storm of May 2013 and the sirens that awoke us at midnight. After 45 minutes in the basement of our next door neighbor, the Tornado went around us. Thankfully!

 Where we spent all to most of June! The local pool. We are members! The kids have full access to the pool and game room and mom and dad have full access to the BBQ grills and the bar! Its the end of 2013 and I am already counting down my days to sit poolside and sip on my drink and catch some rays!


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