This potty training business is for the birds! "He will go when he is ready" is all people keep telling me. My response..."He does go when hes ready...in his diaper!!" Maybe if we just take a break and not rush it, it will all fall together. Like him sleeping without being bundled, going to nap or bed without a bottle, feeding himself his food with his own silverware. All the other milestones in between that he did when..."he was ready" Going to the potty is a big deal for kids. This little adventure has been stressful on him. Not just me and Josh. I mean...hes constantly having to take off his pants and diaper, either sit on the little potty or put his seat on the big potty, sit down and get comfortable, make sure everything is aiming where it needs to be.....for nothing! He laughs the whole time he is on there. Except if the seat is really cold. That doesn't make him laugh at all. So for now we are on a break from going to the bathroom all at once. Its small anyway. There's really no where comfortable for Josh or I to sit for 30-45 minutes at a time. He is however getting ready to move into pull ups full time. As he is in the last size of diapers! So mommy and daddy are taking a break. And we will do this on his time!