Fresh start. Routine. New clothes. New haircuts. Early mornings. Bedtime. Homework. New friends. Carpool. School lunches. Quiet house. Smaller electric bill. Less groceries to buy and consume. ......Just to name a few of my favorite things about why I love the school year.
Jaxon started Kindergarten. He is so happy to be back in school and he was able to reunite with 3 friends from Pre-K that are in his class this year. He loves his teacher. He loves taking his lunch. He loves his new backpack. And he still absolutely loves recess time! Hes growing and learning O so fast. And, like all moms, I do wish he would stay little forever. I am proud of the little boy he is and I know he will grow up to be a fine young man.
Jessie. Well, shes upstairs at school. She has 2 teachers. So that means switching classes halfway thru the day and that has stressed her out. She loves school, but counts the hours down to the final bell of the day. Shes reading bigger chapter books this year. She still loves her classical music and will be joining Music Memory again. She will also continue Girl Scouts and this will make her 3rd year with the troop. We are hoping for a smooth sailing school year and not hoping for lots of math homework.
Jill is the big fish in middle school this year. She has her share of 6th and 7th graders looking up to her. For advice, help and anything in between. She had a drastic change to her hairstyle this year and chopped a lot of it off. Shes taller. Shes sassier. And she still thinks she knows it ALL! Its a bittersweet year for her as a lot of her friends will be attending a new high school next year and they will all go their separate ways once school ends. So I do see a lot of sleepovers in the future of the next 9 months. She has an audition lined up next week to perform with the Amarillo Youth Symphony! This is exciting news for her and her orchestra teacher! I want her to make this year a great year. Less drama and a lot less trouble. I want her last year of middle school to be the best year yet!
Me. I am just glad to have the routine back. Its easier and less stressful in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I do LOVE my summer! But, the school year to me is less chaotic. I have time to myself until 1:30. I have enrolled in a photography class. Which I have been wanting to do since 2007! And I hope to take that hobby into a part time job! I love making Jessie and Jaxons lunches. I love meeting all their new friends, even though some of them get on my nerves. I love meeting the teachers that care and love and teach my kids all day every day. They all hold a special place in my heart. And just dealing with my 3, they are all highly underpaid!! I enjoy hearing about their days and I am thankful for the break I get to have my sanity during the week. We are already counting down to Halloween and Christmas Break, but until then I will pour me some more coffee and catch up on my DVR!