In the great attempt of making 2013 my year, I have come up with a list that I will not add to after Jan 1, 2013. If I keep the list here I can reference to it at any time.
*Develop a healthier lifestyle. Not necessarily diet and stop enjoying what I love, but to grasp moderation and that if 15 min on the treadmill is all I could do that week, then to be happy about it. At least i was off my butt doing something for me anyway.
*To take myself clothes shopping. Yes I would love the clothes I've pinned to show up in my closet tomorrow, but that's not going to happen. I have 3 full days of no kids every week....i should at least take time and shop for me.
*Stop stressing over things that are honestly out of my control. Or even when things get a little out of hand. I know that structure and routine are important in balancing a home, but i need to also realize that every once in a while its ok if they go to bed 15 mins later or have coke floats with dinner. Everything always has its way of working out on its own. Stressing and being anal about it isn't doing any good for my health.
*To set aside a date night with Josh once a month. That's all. I read blogs where women are doing once a week date nights, and that's a little much and wouldn't work with his schedule. If we could be kid free for one evening a month, then I think i would be just as happy as the wife that gets alone time with hers once a week. Her kids must be in college or something.
*To bake more. With the kids. To allow them to make messes and call the dessert theirs. The kids will be on their own one day, maybe they can start their own "sweet treat" book and remember the times we had in the kitchen.
*Start my Alopecia Blog.
*To stop pinning and actually making!!
*To start doing Random acts of Kindness to strangers and to teach the kids that paying it forward will make them not only feel better, but also hope that it will make the world a better place. And if they are ever in need they might receive a random act of kindness their way one day.
*Mom/daughter dates and Mom/son dates. Missing an afternoon of school to take the girls to get a pedi wont hurt them. Or catching a matinee with my son will be something I hope he takes his kids to do one day. Or me when I'm old... :) Why limit any fun to the weekend?
*Develop a healthier lifestyle. Not necessarily diet and stop enjoying what I love, but to grasp moderation and that if 15 min on the treadmill is all I could do that week, then to be happy about it. At least i was off my butt doing something for me anyway.
*To take myself clothes shopping. Yes I would love the clothes I've pinned to show up in my closet tomorrow, but that's not going to happen. I have 3 full days of no kids every week....i should at least take time and shop for me.
*Stop stressing over things that are honestly out of my control. Or even when things get a little out of hand. I know that structure and routine are important in balancing a home, but i need to also realize that every once in a while its ok if they go to bed 15 mins later or have coke floats with dinner. Everything always has its way of working out on its own. Stressing and being anal about it isn't doing any good for my health.
*To set aside a date night with Josh once a month. That's all. I read blogs where women are doing once a week date nights, and that's a little much and wouldn't work with his schedule. If we could be kid free for one evening a month, then I think i would be just as happy as the wife that gets alone time with hers once a week. Her kids must be in college or something.
*To bake more. With the kids. To allow them to make messes and call the dessert theirs. The kids will be on their own one day, maybe they can start their own "sweet treat" book and remember the times we had in the kitchen.
*Start my Alopecia Blog.
*To stop pinning and actually making!!
*To start doing Random acts of Kindness to strangers and to teach the kids that paying it forward will make them not only feel better, but also hope that it will make the world a better place. And if they are ever in need they might receive a random act of kindness their way one day.
*Mom/daughter dates and Mom/son dates. Missing an afternoon of school to take the girls to get a pedi wont hurt them. Or catching a matinee with my son will be something I hope he takes his kids to do one day. Or me when I'm old... :) Why limit any fun to the weekend?