You know how it goes. Its the weekend...the Dr's office is closed or your Dr isn't the one on call. They send you to an Urgent Care Center where they don't know you. The wait time is 3 hours even though there's only 3 people ahead of you. Your child who was sick for the past 2 1/2 days is now as hyper as can be. For a second you really wonder if the fever and sleepless nights were fake. Did you dream it all? Because he doesn't look sick as he runs around and hides from you and doesn't want to sit still. But yet at home I couldn't even go to the bathroom because all he wanted from me was to be held. You know how it goes. You wonder why nothing over the counter has worked for him when you can get a prescription with the same ingredients as the over the counter stuff. And 2 days into taking that medicine hes better. Hes himself. He plays. He eats. Hes better. That is another one of my joys. That i have a spot in the kitchen cabinet for all this medicine and droppers. That some things had to be moved around to make room for it. My bathroom medicine cabinet is to small. Plus I would rather it be put up in a high place and in a room i am always in than to have the kids get into it anyway. If you want your kids to "get better" quicker than any medicines out there. Then take them to the Urgent Care. In the middle of a Sunday afternoon. It works!!