We are off to a some what rocky start to the 2018-19 school year. With that being said I am pretty sure teenagers are some what demons in disguise. We have a 17 year old who has desperately wanted to be an adult for a majority of her childhood. If she would only calm down and realize being an adult is no where near as fun as it looks. We don't doubt she will some what make it in society, so we are allowing her--with limitations--to spread her wings. She isn't "on her own" as she is still living under a roof with adult supervision and rules and structure. But she is no longer living with her dad and I. Per her choices and decisions, we are allowing this to happen. She is very rude and disrespectful to her father and I. We will probably never understand why she chooses to act the way she does and say the things she says, but we are backing up and letting her be the adult she so desperately is seeking within herself. I hope she finds it and the adult version of herself kicks the crap out of her. Mean? I dont think so. If you talk to anyone that left their parents house at an early age they will tell you the regret they have. The relationships and love they took for granted. Because you cant take back the way you treated someone. Ever.
On a more positive note--our other 2 kiddos are a blessing. They have accepted the changes that have taken place in the house and are moving forward drama and stress free (finally). Last year of middle school has started off smooth and I hope it stays that way for the remainder of the year. 4th grade, as he puts it, has been his most favorite year. They are smart and well-rounded kids who haven't let life determine their strengths. They know where their dad and I stand and that is right beside them every step of the way. Just like we did with the oldest child. They have had some bumps in their road of life this past summer, but we are coming out of it stronger than ever and we aren't forgetting where our family values really stand. We, as a family, don't give up on one another and I am proud to know that at the end of the day I will always have those 2 by our side. And they will always respect and love their parents regardless of any curve balls life throws at us.
Here is to a more productive and stress free next few weeks. Adjustments are already being made and accepted and as parents we have had some hard decisions to make as well. All in due time will she realize just what kind of life she had at home and she stops running from problems only to go out and create more....