This made me cry.
I joke to my husband that I need a magnet on my car that says "MOM TAXI".
I get we are the ones that signed the kids up for this or that or said yes when they wanted to do this that and the other, but man o man I can put some miles on my car in one week.
Fortunately, we have a 3rd driver in the house and she is able to drive herself to school and practices and run by the store for me if need be.
I don't dump the other 2 on her to get them anywhere unless I am tied up with another kid or in bed ill and even then I still get up and mom.
Our whole city is under construction and I am convinced that is the reason my blood pressure has escalated over the last few months. Fighting school zones and school traffic and then fighting all the traffic from all the detours can make a mad woman crazier!
I recently purchased a car humidifier/essential oil diffuser and the lavender seems to be helping. Helping me stay cool calm and collected! It's not helping the other drivers in town though. I think my car is the only one that came with a blinker and a gas peddle!
With the oldest one already driving her own car, we see less of her. I no longer have to drop her off or pick her up from school or get her to work. I sometimes...and I say that lightly...I SOMETIMES miss running her around.
The middle school child has to be at the school by 7am every day!
Then she has this and that during the week after school.
UGH. She's busy.
The 3rd grader has a few things after school a few days a week as well.
But I have a pattern and a small section of town that I feel like I circle a few days a week. I have them wait on certain sides of the school so I can just pull up and they can jump in. I have 5 trillion alarms set on my phone so I don't forget or let time pass me by when I am staring into the stars while walking the aisles at Target.
(I'm kidding...I only have 10 trillion alarms set :) )
I will miss these days when they are older. I will no longer have anyone to drop off early in the mornings. I won't have all the alarms going off and anyone to pick up anymore. I won't get to hear first hand how their day went.
(maybe the other 2 will be different, cause the older one hardly talks to us anymore since she's become "independent")
So. On this note I will continue to have a bag of snacks packed and ready for them to munch on in between the next location. I will keep the car filled with gas and keep it warm or cool (depending on this crazy weather) I will leave with plenty of time to avoid traffic delays since construction will last well into 2022. I will stock pile the essential oils and breath in and breath out when all I want to be doing is putting on my comfy pants and watching TV.
This time is passing too fast and I will enjoy it while I am still here and able to do it.
Happy Thursday!