*i usually leave anything "step-mom" related off this blog, but I felt like sharing this today*
"Step-moms are by NO means trying to take credit for carrying a baby for nine months and taking part in the birthing process. We get it. We are not the bio-mom. However, we are in a mothering role and we deserve to be recognized" - Unknown
When I was younger I pictured myself as a mom to 4 boys. A huge house with holes in the walls from the 4 rowdy boys. No one ever grows up thinking..."I cant wait to be a step-mom!" It never crossed my mind in my younger years.
Fast forward many years later when Josh and I met. He came with 3 beautiful girls. WHOA!! That was a lot to take in! I was just a girl in my late 20's, divorced, no kids, and just flying by the seat of my pants. Living life carelessly and the way I wanted to. And then we feel in love. I feel in love with Josh. As a man. Not as a father to his girls. That came later. I got to know him first, then watched him be a dad. Watching him be a dad to his youngest warmed my heart. Her and I became very close when she was at a very young age. I met her when she was 2 1/2. His other 2 girls lived 2 hours away, but the "moms" kept them from him. It was heartbreaking to see how bad he wanted to be in their lives or just hear their voice on the phone, and no one would ever answer his calls.
Josh came with a family.
Fast forward years down the road, after we had our son, 2 of his girls came to live with us full time. Messy custody battles, fights with the "moms". The dust settled down and they live with us. I went from a part-time, weekends only step-mom to being a full time step-mom while being a new mommy myself. One of his girls I hardly even knew. She was 8 at the time. And a HUGE handful of a lot of her "moms" hateful tendencies. Her first 7 years haven't been the easiest, maybe the next 7 will be... ??
I am the mom in my house. The alpha-female, if you will. The adult. The rule maker. The taxi. The schedule maker and keeper. If you cant find something chances are I can. I have pretty big shoulders for you to cry on. The list goes on and on....
I am the mom in OUR house.
They are my daughters. Just because my name isn't on a piece of paper doesn't mean I am anything less of a mom to them. I can't be a mom to our son and a friend to the girls. That would be chaotic. And weird. And not very fair or fun for all parties involved. The girls refer to me as their mom. They call me mom (totally their choice, no one has ever forced them too)
With Josh's work schedule, it's me and the kids a lot of the time. Not me and our son and my step-daughters. Its me and OUR kids while he is away at work. Time doesn't stop. The world keeps spinning and I continue to be a mom in our home. Whether they (or just one of them) likes it or not.
Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother-- Unknown
Although I never dreamed of the life I have now, I wouldn't trade this life for anything! Being THEIR mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. They keep me on my toes and have taught me a few things along the way. Some bumps in the road. Some stressful moments I thought would last forever, but didn't.
The girls and I have a very strong bond and a good relationship. I treat them as if they were my daughters. Daughters that I gave birth too. That's how I treat them. I don't have any stretch marks from them, but my heart is bigger because of them.
Girls, I love ya'll. Even when ya'll annoy me, stress me out, roll your eyes, mutter crap under your breath as your walking off, slam the doors, stomp down the hall, or spend 45 minutes crying over something so petty. If you aren't mad at me some of the time then I am definitely doing something wrong as YOUR MOM!
I do love our inside jokes, late night binge watching Netflix, eating secret ice cream, talking about boys and how annoying they can be, cooking dinner together, wearing matching cheap sunglasses, shopping dates, this list can go on and on....
I've enjoyed watching the both of you grow into beautiful (although sometimes stubborn) young ladies. I like to think that you get the stubbornness from me. :)
Ya'll are keeping me young and to not take life too seriously. Thank you both for loving Jaxon the way ya'll do. There is not one doubt in my mind that the 3 of you will be close forever.