Parenting your own kids.
Parenting step-kids.
Parenting is hard ya'll!
I don't care who you think you are, you don't have it figured out either.
You might think you do, I mean your kids are still alive, as are mine but we seriously have no idea what we are doing. And I am pretty sure my parents had no clue what they were doing either. They turned out fine. I think anyway.
I am not my kids friend. I'm not a drill sergeant though either. Although they probably think I am Hitler's sister, I am not that bad! I parent first. Josh parents first. We struggle sometimes on if we are making the right decisions, like I am sure all parents do. So what if your kid gets mad at you and hates you and cusses you in their mind and talks horrible about you to their friends. Who cares! I mean SERIOUSLY?! WHO CARES??
They will one day move out on their own and maybe then .... just maybe....they will realize why you did the things you did. Taught them the things you taught them. Got mad at the things you got mad about. Was stressed. Was tired. And why you weren't their BFF when they were growing up.
O we have fun. Don't get me wrong. We have fun as a family. Vacations, parks, BBQs, movie nights....you know...family stuff. I don't let my daughters wear too much makeup because EWW.
I don't let them dress slutty because....boys and EWW.
We teach them morals and how to respect themselves. I teach the girls independence. I don't want them to think they have to rely on a man to get them thru life. I want my son to learn how to do all the basic household stuff so he doesn't feel that he needs a woman to do it for him.
I just want them to be decent adult humans.
That way I can tolerate them when I call them up to get brunch and pedis
Or dad can tolerate him when its time to change the oil or fix a hole in the wall.
That's all us as parents want....is to raise decent adults.
They can make friends whenever and wherever...right now they need us to be parents.