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We all do it...

As a mom, we yell. We aren't always proud of it after the fact, but we do it because we feel it gets our point across. After the 4th time of being told, not ask, but told to do something our voice gets louder then the kids get pissy and now your moody and an argument might break out. Then everything will be ok until the next time.
As a mom, we want to also keep the peace and be fair while teaching our kids not to be little brats and to be independent and learn to grow with things they are taught at home. But as soon as you are relaxed and taking a break from the norm, it seems things get chaotic. 
I don't run a military boot camp per say, but i do run this house on organized chaos. Is that a thing? If not then I invented it. I have 3 kids i am raising and they are all different ages. They are all different kids. One may not need to be constantly told over and over to do something and the other 2 might. I treat them all different. But sometimes I yell. As moms we all do it.

I don't wake up in the mornings and think..."im going to yell at the kids today and lose my shit!"

Sometimes we are way more stressed than the other day. Sometimes we have things going on that we aren't ready to share with our kids. Sometimes we have adult issues going on and they don't understand. so yes i have yelled at my kids. and some of those times i haven't been happy about it.

Over the last few years i have been dealing with some personal issues that i wouldn't dump on my kids. they wouldn't understand and its not really something they need to worry about as kids. so i have been stressed and aggravated and unfortunately the kids have taken the brunt of it. 

One of my "resolutions" is to yell less. They don't need it either. They have stresses and things they are also dealing with that they may have not talked to me about yet. Plus I don't want that to be the last thing they hear before bed or school or leaving for a friends house. I don't live in fear, but you never know when anything could happen and anyone could be taken from you. Life is funny like that. And its not just kids we yell at. Maybe a family member mad us mad. The grocery store clerk just rubbed you the wrong way when you were having an already bad day. 
As a mom vow to yell less. I have learned in the last few weeks that they actually listen better when there is less yelling anyway. And at the end of the day we all feel good. And sometimes less stressed.


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