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I've needed a break..

.....from blogging anyway. I don't take a break from anything else. I haven't sat in front of my computer to blog in a while and i need to catch up!

This school year started and hasn't slowed down at all! Now, I know i am not the only busy mom out there so stop rolling your eyes thinking....this lady has NO idea how busy I am!!
Hey! It's not a competition!

My oldest is a sophomore this year and decided that before school even started she wanted to be involved in sports, newspaper and a play. She also has a job at a local grocery store and plays violin for the youth symphony. She quickly learned 2 months into the school year that she has completely overbooked and over whelmed herself. Well....I don't raise quitters. As much as she wanted to throw in the towel at a few of these things, i wouldn't let her. For the simple fact that this is life. Am i mean? I don't care. Am i taking away a huge chunk of her childhood? Nope!
What i am doing is simply teaching a life skill she wont learn in school.
As adults we have to manage our own life, our own time. We have to juggle work, health, a budget, car maintenance, rent/mortgage, kids, a significant other, pets (if you want to add those to the mix).
Its all about time management and how to get it all done. We still have time to hang out with our friends and have a social life. Because we managed our time wisely during the week. We kept our jobs and paid our bills and now we get to enjoy a night out. (well....every once in a while)
When she wanted to quit i stood my ground. As much as i wanted things to slow down between the late night pick-ups, the up and down schedules, her job calling her in early on Sunday mornings and hearing her grunt and groan because she stayed up late Saturday night catching up on last weeks TV shows, i stayed quiet and held my ground. She's tired. She is still managing an A/B Honor Roll. Keeping her head above water in her AP classes. Working out everyday. Practicing her violin everyday. She nailed a great performance in her very first play. All her managers love her at work and speak very highly of her. She handles drama with boys and friends very well. She has a chore list at home and still gets them done.
Have we had a few arguments here and there? Yes. Have we both been aggravated and tired since school has started? Yes. But not with each other. I think once you hit a wall of exhaustion, nothing is fun anymore. I told her a while back that everything she is doing and involving herself in is all new to her, well its all new to me too. I have never raised a teenager before, so cut me some slack here. I suggested the play, so technically she didn't have to go thru with it, she was needing guidance in how to make her sophomore year a little more epic. (her word, not mine) And I am glad I suggested she try out for several reasons:
She made new friends that have a lot of the same interest as her.
She got to break out of her shell a little bit more.
She made some damn good memories of her high school years.
Every time she hears a song from Rock of Ages on the radio, or one comes across her playlist, it will instantly take her back to that time in her life. Whether its next week or when shes 55. She will always have this memory.
I wanted her to learn to juggle life. Plain and simple. Because when shes an adult and life is kicking her ass and she has way more on her plate she will appreciate this time. I promise.

I wasn't given these opportunities growing up and my young adult life kicked my ass!!
I have no idea if I have this parenting thing down, but I am doing the best I can!

She will graduate high school in 2 1/2 years. And if the way the time has been flying by, that day will be here tomorrow if I'm not careful. I just want her to know that she can't get thru life responsibly flying by the seat of her pants. It's how you lose track of things and get your self in some sticky situations. She still has a social life, so quit rolling your eyes thinking...damn this lady is HARD on her kids! Yea kids are ablot more responsible than ablot of "adults" i know!
If she surrounds herself with positive people that share her same interest and keeps her self busy with things she enjoys doing, i wont have to worry about her getting drunk at a party! or maybe she will because she too needs a break!

Pass the parenting hand book when you're finished with it please.....

Happy Friday!


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