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(**side note one: this isn't a jab at anyone personally**)
(** side note two: i shouldn't have to explain myself, its my blog**)

My husband and I don't grossly make out in front of the kids. We don't argue over money in front of the kids. We don't dump adult problems on them. Cause they are kids. 
They range in ages from 14 to 7.

What they do see is a man and a woman who love each other very much. They see a husband that works hard to provide for his family. They see a wife that works hard to provide for her family. They see a dad that works hard and is there for his kids. They see a mom that works hard and is there for her kids. They see a couple who shares money. They hear us talking about budgets and savings. Its not his money and its not my money. It's our money that we make to make this house go round. They see us hold hands while sitting on the couch watching TV any day of the week. They see their dad hold open a door for me. They hear their father speak of me in ways a woman should be spoke about. With the up most respect. They hear me speak of their father with the up most respect. We kiss each other. We tell each other we love each other. We have disagreements on things. The kids see and hear an argument and they see and hear us work it out with in the same breath we got aggravated with each other in. They have NEVER seen him raise his hand to me. They have NEVER seen me raise my hand to him. Nor have they ever heard either of us yell at each other. They see a husband and wife, a dad and mom that have a great sense of humor. They see us laughing more than anything. They have never had to worry about where dad is. They have never had to worry about where mom is. We are home every night. We eat dinner at the table as a family every night. (with the exception of the hubby's schedule....he is gone 14-21 days out of the month, but the routines are the same whether he is here or not.) I run a pretty tight ship around here! :)
They see us work out life's issues together. We don't put blame on one another because something didn't go our way.

I see what other examples the girls have had and I thank GOD every damn day that they have a better example in front of them. I am not saying what their dad and I do is picture perfect, but its a helluva lot better than the alternative. I want these girls to grow up and be independent. I want them to have a man fall in love with who they are, what they are all about and go thru this world hand in hand. I don't want them to have to rely on a man to take care of them. I want them to have a relationship/marriage that is 100/100. 
I want Jaxon to see that this is how you husband and father. I want him to see that this is how a woman can wife and mom. I want each of them to know that they don't NEED a significant other, but see that once they are in love with someone they just "click" with, like their dad and I do, I want them to want to NEED that other person in there life and WANT them in their life and make sacrifices to keep that a happy relationship/marriage. 

I think Josh and I do a pretty amazing job at what we do on a daily. I think we are a perfect match for each other and we keep each other sane and grounded. I love that there has been a love there from the day we met. I love that the kids get to witness what a marriage is supposed to be. I love that they have a father show them what a great dad he can be. I love that I get the opportunity to be a mom to the girls and of course so very thankful god gave me the miracle of Jaxon. Sometimes I think others get lost at the idea that I am a mom. I have a son. Josh and I have a son together. I didn't walk into this relationship with kids from a previous marriage/relationship. I didn't marry him cause he had kids and I wanted to play house. We didn't marry cause we had a son together. We married cause we love each other and cant imagine trucking thru life with any one else.  So therefor I also want the kids to know and learn by watching their dad and I that if they are faced with that, they can make a blended family work so well that people will mistake them for their own kids and not step-kids. 


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