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Running on everything but the treadmill.

Up at 6:20am Mon-Fri. 2 cups of coffee drank before 8 am. A full throttle energy drink downed by 10am. Lunch ( if I remember) is eaten by 1:40pm. And the only reason I eat is because my son gets out of school at 1:30 and he comes home and has a snack. That's when it dawns on me to eat. Dinner by 6-6:30 everyday. No exceptions unless we are attending a school function. Showers take up the 8 o' clock hour and everyone is in bed by 9:00pm. Except Fridays. Im flexible on Fridays. Only because my Fridays are cray! Jaxon to piano at 2:50pm. Jessie picked up from school at 3:00pm dropped off at piano by 3:30. Get Jaxon in the car and Jill picked up by 3:40pm. Turn around and pick up Jessie who's piano lessons end at 4:00. 3 school zones at 20mph. Traffic like I'm driving thru Dallas/Fort Worth at 9 in the morning. Kids are never late to lessons or are they waiting on me to pick them up. I am always waiting on them. This schedule is why I pray for a dry - iceless winter. But I doubt that will be the case. Its already -27 and snowing in Wyoming. WTH? Its the first weekend of Oct. 
Saturday I am up by 8-8:30. Because the kids have no sense of what sleeping in is. "Lets wake up at stupid early on a Saturday and eat cereal really loud like zoo animals. That wont make mom mad at all!" And by the "I am up at 8:30", that's the time I decide to drag my ass out of bed. I've been laying in bed since 10 after 7. Looking at Facebook wondering when some mom friends of mine had time to hit up the bar on a Friday night. Or have a date night with their hubby. Or get to sit down all stress-free looking curled up watching movies with their kids. My kids stink on Fridays. They are the last thing I am curling up with. (Remember, I'm flexible on showers and late bed times. Makes my wine intake flow better when I let them do what they want.) 
Sundays I am up by 8:00am and getting the younger 2 ready for church. They go with my grandma every Sunday. Its just my job to get them cleaned up from the weekend and put them in their Sunday Best. Then its off to Orchestra practice for the older one. That's 2 1/2 hours long and thank goodness i don't have to stay. But I have a car that is literally running on luck and prayer and a good hefty push from my guardian angel. Cause the gas gauge always tells me I'm empty no matter how many 30 dollar bills I stuck in the thing that week and my power steering pump is out. Giving me very sore arms by the end of the day. My husband is gone anywhere from 14-21 days out of the month and that's when everything decides to look me in the eyes and laugh. Knowing its me against the world while hes away.  O and I'm also the house mom to 9 new puppies our Java had on Sept 16. So I have to take extra care of her and keep bedding washed daily cause new puppies smell and I will be damned if my house stinks worse than smelly kids. 

Happy Friday!


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