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Family Vacation 2013

 I am seriously behind on updating my blog. But I did tell myself that once school started I would update more often. We took a family vacation the end of July and is part 1!... My favorite sign above. Road ends in water. And with this family that was great news. We are all about the water and we were so happy the sign didn't say "dead end".

 Me and Josh on the paddle boat. My husbands company owns some land around this huge lake and some cabins. This is where we spent 5 nights and 6 days. Loving nature. The peace and quiet. Enjoying each others company. And really figuring out who would have the first melt down when you are detached from anything electronic! Ill say this....Jill, who's 12, had to watch a movie on dads phone the first night there. She needed the light and sound of TV. I was glad the cabin wasn't equipped with one! I was a little aggravated I couldn't post pics to FB. But after the 3rd day I was quickly over it. So needless to took us a minute to adjust.

 Diving in and not looking back. He jumped off that dock like he had been doing this all of his life. No fear of the unknown lake water. No fear of the diving board and the fact that was his first time on one. Arms open. Inviting this new adventure. And every time I look at a photo of him doing this....its embracing. He takes on new adventures like its his last. And I love love love that about him!!

 Of course Jessie is no stranger to water. I remember when she had a fear, but with the help of pool noodles and my legs at times she learned to swim and now if she could swim all day, she would.

 Jill is a showoff. I guess all kids are. She loves making a splash in and out of the water. This picture sums her up well. We all know she can swim. We all know she likes to jump into the pool/lakes. But she also likes to make sure we are always watching.

 Of course dad had to get in on the action. This was actually our first evening at the lake. I didn't get in until the next day. I have a fear of murky lake water. I cant see the bottom. So therefore the unknown kinda gives me the hebby jebbys!! But after much persuasion from the kids and the fact they were having a blast and weren't terrified I thought what the heck! I had to embrace this adventure like my son was! Plus it was 111 degrees and the water was just right to cool off!

 This was our cabin. Its a large one bedroom with a large fenced in front porch. Equipped with a fire pit, 2 BBQ grills, a fireplace inside, full kitchen, queen size bed and 2 futons! We had a blast calling this home for a week!

 Me. Hot and sweaty at 9am and ready to go on a hike with the kids. Where do they get the energy!!

 He is by far the best "tour guide". He would stay ahead of us at times and let us know of any loose rocks (steps) along the way. Any spider webs that we may walk thru and point out every bug along the way as well. I did give him my small point and shoot so we could experience vacation thru his eyes. I cant wait to put those in his album.

 "Mom, there's a loose step so don't fall!" Thanks son!!

 Absolutely the best stress free view I have seen in a looooong time. I would sit on the dock, feet in the water and just stare. I would take a long deep breath and think about NOTHING! That is also something I have not done in a looooong time. Well needed time away from reality that's for sure!!

And this would be our morning view! A family of deer. There were about 9 every morning within a few steps from our cabin. Me and the husband would always be the first ones up, so we would enjoy this few. I look forward to posting the rest of my pics and talking about the best family vacation thus far!!


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