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Whos ready for school to start?!

 I AM!!!!! this is school supplies only. We haven't ventured off to do the O so fun school clothes shopping.
 Our little man will be in a head start program this year. He was a planned child and i didn't even think of school and how his birthday falling so late in the year would have effected him :) It saddens me that he will wear this backpack and take his lunch and wear a size bigger shoe. And he will be away from me for 7 hours 3 days a week. But i will manage. I hope i don't find myself circling the block of his school on the days i am really tired of the quiet. Those words just fell out of my mouth. Tired of quiet? It must have been a noisy day around here.

 Our sweet little Jessie will enter the new world of 2nd grade. There are way more supplies in that bag. I used my bed to hold all this while taking photos, and well my bed isn't *that* big. She is all about Smurfs and bright colors and being a little girly girl. I worry about her alot. Her school is just down the road from us, so i guess if i don't want to eat lunch alone i can walk down and eat with her. Walk? Again words keep falling out of my mouth. I would drive to her school after hitting up the Sonic of course.

And then we have the 17 year old entering 6th grade. I mean 11 year old. I have to constantly remind myself she isn't even a teenager yet. Although she feels compelled to feel this house with the nonsense a 17year old would. She will go to the big middle school and be the small fish in a big pond. No matter how much i try to talk to her about how middle school can really be and how there will be so many more kids, more classes, more teachers and the ever so dreaded PE class where you have to change in the locker room and its just all embarrassing. (Well it was for me in middle school.) I try to keep it positive, but we all know that middle school is just the worst part of a humans life. And when i am circling Jaxons school in the attempt to have some noise in my day, or driving to see Jessie so i am not eating lunch all by myself, I will be thinking of Jill and her middle school day. I wont even attempt to step foot in there. If one 6th grader makes me want to drink a strong bloody mary by noon, then why would i step into a school with thousands of them? By noon? Who am i kidding? She makes me want a shot of tequila by 10am! Those dang words keep falling out of my mouth. So, while we still have one more week until school starts and we have the task of school clothes shopping this upcoming weekend.....i better chill that tequila!


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