We have experienced one of the hottest summers in history. Well that i can remember anyway. you wouldn't think it was 110 degrees outside the day i took this photo in the middle of June, but it was. its just the air conditioner was on high power and being cool and still long enough makes for a great nap.
The days following. the same thing happened. it was 112 that day and we couldn't even play outside most of July. the house stayed very cool and dark. the electric bill was thru the roof, but hey....it was a HOT summer!
It was literally the dog days of summer all summer long. As we say goodbye to summer today we went from one extreme to another. 99 degrees just last Friday to a chilly 76 today. And the good thing is...we can play outside. we can expect a lower electric bill. and we can say....we survived the hottest summer in our history! HAPPY LABOR DAY!