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He needs to get busy!

Jaxons 100 things to do before kindergarten:

*Go to the zoo
*Visit a farm
*Go on a hike
*Play with a kitten or a puppy
*Catch a frog
*Make a gigantic mess
*Help clean the gigantic mess
*Master the monkey bars
*Swing high up into the sky all by himself
*Try rollerskating
*Go sledding
*Make a snowman
*Blow Bubbles
*Help grow and take care of a small garden
*Have a pillow fight
*Jump on a big bed
*Jump on a trampoline or in a big bounce house (has done both)
*Camp in the backyard
*Go to a lake
*Learn to skip rocks
*Go fishing
*Go out on a boat
*Put a large puzzle together
*Read the classic nursery rhymes
*Read a classic chapter book
*Check out library books with his own library card
*Take a trip on an airplane
*Carve a pumpkin
*Hold a newborn baby
*Love a special stuffed animal (Mambo!)
* Help bake cookies or a cake
*Help plan his birthday party
*Go the a circus
*Visit a museum
*Play hide and seek
*Play a board game
*Do nothing all day what-so-ever
*Try a sport
*Watch a sporting event
*Learn to swim (He is getting there!)
*Be tickled into hysterics
*Paint and draw as much as desired
*Learn the use of scissors and glue
*Display artwork and other creations in the house
*Learn to use a camera and keep his own album
*Play with clay
*Pick flowers
*Climb a tree
*Gaze at the moon and stars
*Toast marshmellows
*Learn to eat an ice cream cone
*Watch a sunset
*Learn to write his own name
*Learn his address and phone number
*Learn daddy and mommys full names
*Set the table
*Clear the table
*Help wash the dishes-by hand
*Learn to say his pleases, thank-yous and excuse mes
*Watch fireworks
*Go to a ballet or a theatre show
*Put on a puppet show
*Face paint
*Dress up in a costume at his own will
*Learn rhymes and poems by heart
*Have a themed party
*Enjoy friends company
*Invite friends over to play
*Get to know grandparents and great grandparents
*Play with cousins
*Become attached to a wonderful babysitter
*Learn the name of the president
*Know the name of his town, state and country
*Learn the map of the world
*Listen to music from many different ages and genres
*Hear and learn a new language
*Learn the difference between trash and recycle
*Grow his own vegetables
*Learn (or try) to ride a bike
*Take a road trip
*Draw a self portrait
*Slurp alphabet soup
*Learn to twirl spaghetti on a fork
*Pick apples from an apple tree
*Star in a home movie
*Learn a magic trick
*Try different hair dos
*Practice writing a letter
*Practice counting to 100
*Make up a story
*Send someone a letter
*Receive a letter from someone
*Ride a merry-go-round
*Give away toys and books to less fortunate kids
*Learn the value of bills and coins
*Keep a piggy bank
*Try a musical instrument
*Have a heartfelt wish granted
*Have a heartfelt wish denied
*Receive a million (actually a billion) heartfelt hugs and kisses from me and daddy!

this color indicates what he has done or is in the process of!


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