I have come to terms with the fact that i have a boy. A daredevil. A curious blue eyed wonder. An explorer. An artist.
See he got on the couch one night and just started standing on his head. He does it often. I fear that one day he will break a bone. There's nothing that cant be fixed. I also have a fear the ER Dr's will know us by name. Then again he may like to make my heart skip a beat and like seeing me turn blue because I'm holding my breath until he quits what hes doing. He does all that because hes my son. I am really going to try not to be to over protective and let him spread his wings. When I think about all the "what ifs"....my heart races. I know its silly. I shouldn't fear the unknown since that is what i am trying to teach him not to fear. There's that part of me that always will. OK OK There's that huge part of me that always will. I am his mom. He will always be my baby. He will always have my protection. I promised him that before he was born. :)