I burned the flippn pasta!! How do you burn noodles? By not adding enough water that's how! Recommended cooking time (with the right amount of water and the amount of noodles) is 13 minutes. During that time i was in and out of the kitchen...stirring the chicken occasionally. I kept smelling a burnt hair like smell. Me thinking some sauce got on the burner i ignored it. 12 1/2 minutes later when i was back in the kitchen setting the table....the smell was worse. While I didn't think anyone in house could smell it Jill yells...."Whats that smell?? Is the house on fire?" i say..."no silly the house isn't on fire...i think its this sauce." When i was standing over the stove i hear a horrible noise coming from the Pasta Boat. I opened the microwave to find....burned noodles. All stuck together and smoking. Sorry the picture is taken after I put them in my trash. I had no other option on getting them out of my kitchen ASAP. Josh pats my back acting as if that was the first time I ever stepped foot in a kitchen. I look at him slightly annoyed to which he replies...."Ive never seen burnt noodles nor have I ever met someone that can burn them." I reply..."well its because I'm cool like that and like to try new things....at least once :)" Needless to say the smell is FINALLY out of the house and we will resume eating pasta once everyone puts their faith back in me. I may use my big ol lonely pot next time....just in case! On a side note.....the chicken was great! And the pizza man *is* just a phone call away :)!
*note: No pasta boats were harmed in this* our noses however....well that's a different story!