Not much has been going on in the household here lately. The potty training is back in business and we are pleased to announce that he has gone potty twice in the toilet. Yesterday and today. Only # 1...but it's a start. I am loving work. I think I love my hours more than anything. I get off before 2 everyday. I don't feel like I am at work very long even though I get there at 6:15 am! Jill is doing good. Her and I are going to plan her 10th birthday today. Its not until the second Saturday in March....but I like to have things done ahead of time...and she can help plan. Josh was out with shingles last week. That was random. No one else caught them. And he returned to work today. All to have his foot run over...but he is fine. My uncle leaves this Saturday to go back to Africa. We will have a get together later in the week. He isn't sure how long he will be gone. My grandma is finally feeling better. She is moving around alot better and is back to her old self. I do need to plan some treats for the kids to take to school/daycare for Valentines Day. Although I am enjoying time in the kitchen and teaching Jill a few things and letting Jaxon lick the bowls....I have thought about going store bought.....but it's just not personal. Jaxon has a visit with his Dr this Friday. He is becoming knock-kneed. Not sure what that is? I have a picture for that! It may not be anything serious at all. I mean he gets around just great. Walks and runs like nothing. It's just something we have noticed and would rather the Dr take a look just in case. If something does need to be done...we would rather fix it now than later when he is older and maybe into sports :) That is all for my Sunday Ramblings today. I do have 2 very intense football games to watch. I would like to see the Bears go to the Superbowl. Since the Saints couldn't and I will take blame for that since I wasn't wearing my jersey during all of their games!! Happy Sunday!