Say what? terrible two's started way before he was 2! OK....maybe a few months prior, but it has seemed like forever for me.
At least the really bad ones happen at home. I mean I will run out of the store (with him with me) if he had a fit like this in a store!
This is wear I learned that the more pictures I took the more mad he would become. Reminds me of someone I knew back in the day! Yea I remember....shes Jaxons aunt Jennifer! She would get mad!! And of course we couldn't help but laugh at her. Hey...we didn't have cable so we were very easily amused! :)
Tonsils!! Lungs!! Squeals!! Screams!! He has them all. And with this phase being a very headache induced milestone, I do have to say I love it with everything else about him. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have the patience I have. Without him life would be boring. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have these headaches and the stories to tell when he's older. Without him I wouldn't have anyone to receive a million kisses from. Or give a million kisses to!