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Showing posts from December, 2010


* I had a good 2010. I was off most of the year to learn and grow with Jaxon. Taught him a few things along the way. Our year started off with Jillian moving in with us and it was a bumpy road of adjustments for a good 6 months. She is better off here. She is happier here. From this I will learn to be more patient about raising another mommas kid. I can't change everything. Our summer was mainly spent outside soaking up rays and swimming pool splashes. Jaxon got the kicking part down. Learned to love the water. From this I learned that he does love it and to not teach him to be afraid of it. We will spend more time at the pool in the summer of 2011. We cooked out alot this year. From that I learned that when I would cook in the kitchen it gets hot in there! We will have even more BBQs next year. And love every minute of it. Jaxon had his share of scraped up knees. He learned tricks on the couch. Jumping and throwing him self back. From this I learned that even at a young age he is ...

Making Memories

It's a tradition of mine I made years ago to have my tree up on December 1st. Regardless of what is going on, it comes up! I have also been saying for the last 3 years that I am going to get a new tree. This one is 11 years's time for an upgrade! Jill and Jaxon helped arrange the lights and "fluff" the branches, as Jill called it. They had fun. Jaxon was a huge help in making sure he messed up everything Jill was doing. All in all he did good. He has only messed with the tree a few times and has broken only one ornament. (so far) He loves Christmas. He likes the tree. He kisses his sock monkey ornament everyday. He has managed to rip all the name tags off the gifts. We have to say goodbye to the tree every morning as we are walking out the door. He will hate to see it go come the 31st. But a good memory was made this month.

Night Parade

We have an annual Electric Light Parade and at the end of the parade they light the city's Christmas Tree. We have never been and couldn't pass it up being that the weather that day was 76 degrees. My camera isn't a the greatest for night time shots...but regardless, we had a good time and look forward to the years to come. It was only me Jillian and Jennifer that went. Next year Josh and Jaxon will join us ....illness took over the house this past weekend. Memories were made. Alot of running took place since we had to park 5 blocks from the tree. It was a nice way to start of the holiday season. It put me in the mood to wrap presents that night! :) HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

Under the Weather

I don't like this time of year. The dreaded cold. The congestion, cough, fever, earaches, bad moods. Jaxon was hit with it first. Then Josh had a 24 hour stomach bug over the weekend. Then guess what I woke up with Monday? YUP! I was so stopped up i felt like my head was a balloon. No relief in site. I was tired and achy. Then to make matters worse I got the stomach bug! So much for having a day off. There is no sick days for mommas! I can be off work (my job) but i couldn't be off my real job. He is doing better when I was feeling my worst. He didn't understand why I didn't want to play. Why I didn't want to get off the couch. He saw me overly excited the minute Josh walked in the door. I went to sleep and slept for 4 hours! He didn't understand. I will make it up to him. I don't like it when he feels bad and I learned today he doesn't like it when I feel bad.

Terrible Twos?

Say what? terrible two's started way before he was 2! OK....maybe a few months prior, but it has seemed like forever for me. At least the really bad ones happen at home. I mean I will run out of the store (with him with me) if he had a fit like this in a store! This is wear I learned that the more pictures I took the more mad he would become. Reminds me of someone I knew back in the day! Yea I remember....shes Jaxons aunt Jennifer! She would get mad!! And of course we couldn't help but laugh at her. Hey...we didn't have cable so we were very easily amused! :) Tonsils!! Lungs!! Squeals!! Screams!! He has them all. And with this phase being a very headache induced milestone, I do have to say I love it with everything else about him. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have the patience I have. Without him life would be boring. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have these headaches and the stories to tell when he's older. Without him I wouldn't...