I swear he grows an inch every time he lays down to take a nap. He just seems taller and more like a big boy instead of an (almost) 2 year old. He was showing me his shoes in this picture. I ask him if they make him run faster to which he replied..."SEE MOMMA!" and then took off running. He knows all but A,B,P of the alphabet. He can count to 4 but refuses to say the number one. He knows 3 colors...red, blue and yellow (sometimes green). I am amazed everyday with him and how much he is learning and growing and developing. I couldn't imagine my life with out him in it. My grandma wishes she could babysit him for me everyday while I go to work, but I know that would be to much for her. She's afraid of a moment passing her by and to that I am so grateful. He is the easiest kid on the planet to care for but even if he wasn't she would still want to see him everyday. One day he is going to be to big to want to be rocked or to sit in a lap to have a book read to him. I soak it in everyday and as does she with every visit with him. You never know what tomorrow will bring and you never really know how fast the days go by.