Jillian has started to go to church with my grandma on Sunday mornings and she has become a part of the youth group. She informs me one Tuesday evening that they are going to make and deliver scarecrows to area nursing homes and that she was supposed to dress up. The next day.
I wanted Jillian to be able to dress up, but the fact that it was the last Wednesday in September, I wasn't even close to having her costume ready. She wants to be a pirate for Halloween. But for this we made an exception. Pulled some things together from the house, called Jennifer to see what she had available and TAA-DAA...she was transformed into a gypsy. Not to bad for finding out 24 hours prior. So again I awarded myself with a mommy-merit badge for being "spur of the moment creative". She was able to make 20 scarecrows that night to be delivered the next week to the elderly. I am glad she is growing and experiencing and learning all at the same time! HAPPY SUNDAY!!