I really don't enjoy Tuesdays. They are that little waste of space in between the beginning of the week and the middle of the week. No one ever plans on doing anything on a Tuesday. You have lunch plans on Mondays to "get you thru the dreaded Monday!!" or the "lets do something Wednesday, its hump day!" Then of course you have your Friday plans. They kick off the weekend. For me, here as of late, all my days run together so everyday feels like a Tuesday to me. I have a mental list of to-dos. Tuesday is the day that Jaxons room gets the complete over haul. Bedding changed, clothes washed and put up, all his toys put up and organized, books back on the bookshelf. All for him to come home today and turn it all upside down. So much for an organized room for "hump day"! Last Tuesday I put his room cleaning off a day, so he was home to help me. Which by the way nothing really got done. His idea of helping me is doing things like in the picture over there. The fact that the washer hasn't spun out of control and walked out the back door blows my mind. I have to check his laundry basket regularly. He puts his shoes in there, books when he doesn't want to read them anymore, toys, balls, puzzle pieces to his books, his sisters headbands. So I have to remind myself every time I take his laundry out that I need to check for those things. I guess the next time the cat goes missing I will look for her under the sheets at the bottom of the laundry basket! HAPPY (dreaded) TUESDAY :~)