I have a love hate relationship with my hair right now. Its a mess. Takes to long for me to dry and straighten it, but yet i want to keep my long hair. The fact that the times I do wear makeup i wear the same makeup for 2 days. I wear shorts and t-shirts, I sleep in a shirt that I may run errands in the next day, I forget to drink anything all day...sometimes eat! I run in circles. I want to bang my head against the wall. At times. Somedays like I have posted before are better than others. Smooth sailing from the minute I get up. But when Jaxon wakes up fussy and in a bad mood...I know I am in for a looong day. Between him, keeping the spark with Josh, being in a mixed family and trying to find acceptance with the step kid, the bills, the housework, the cat and dog, my sanity...it can be a little much sometimes. I really need to take my own advice and keep taking that time out for me. Its another Joy of Motherhood that I wasn't really expecting but i wouldn't trade it for the world. But when it feels the walls are closing in around me and I can only take one more temper tantrum then mommy needs a time out. A well deserved time out!!