I had 'naptime' to myself. If you are a mom you know what that means. It's like a persons 'lunchbreak'. You have so much time to get anything finished before your time is consumed again. For me 'naptime' is breathing room. To put it bluntly. Sometimes I nap. Sometimes I clean, blog, facebook, shower, make phone calls, or I sit. In complete silence and think of new dinner ideas, blog ideas, activities for the kids. But on this one particular day I watched a movie. I had run across it when looking for something else to watch so I recorded it. MOTHERHOOD. With Uma Thurman and Minnie Driver. It's not funny, It's not sad. I personally don't think Uma Thurman did a good job in this movie. But I watched it. And because of that movie it inspired me to take a time out. I literally sat there afterwards and thought.."that's me!..I'm her!...She's me!!..I do that!..I don't do that!..I'm a mess!!" She's a mom of 2. She's married. She has her camera handy at all times and takes alot of pictures. She blogs. She grocery shops. She plans the b-day parties. She walks out of the house and goes out in public in her pjs. She feels that she does it all and no one appreciates her. She wanted to accomplish one thing. And she did. She removed herself from the dishes. Laundry. Messy car. Her child's b-day party. And finished what she started.
I have something I need to finish. I have always put it off and consumed my time with other things. I looked at the calendar and realized September was here. *September 2010*. I have a b-day in a few weeks. I have kids b-days, holidays, and more growing to do and more growing to watch. I have a son that thinks I am his hero. I have to do this. I too have to remove myself from the chaos and start and finish. The dishes will be there when I get back. The laundry will have to learn to fold itself. Ones at school and the little one is very well taken care of. I started. I will finish. The difference in me compared to the movie is this is real. I have people counting on me to finish this. I have one that has no idea what I am doing but when I got the news I could do this and was very excited, out of no where he clapped his hands and yelled "YAAAY!! I LUBES YOOOU MOMMA!!" Like he knew. I was going to start this and finish it. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm anxious. I have a fan club. It's a small one. But if I can't do this for anyone else I will do it for him. He will know he was my inspiration. All because he took a longer nap that day.
I have something I need to finish. I have always put it off and consumed my time with other things. I looked at the calendar and realized September was here. *September 2010*. I have a b-day in a few weeks. I have kids b-days, holidays, and more growing to do and more growing to watch. I have a son that thinks I am his hero. I have to do this. I too have to remove myself from the chaos and start and finish. The dishes will be there when I get back. The laundry will have to learn to fold itself. Ones at school and the little one is very well taken care of. I started. I will finish. The difference in me compared to the movie is this is real. I have people counting on me to finish this. I have one that has no idea what I am doing but when I got the news I could do this and was very excited, out of no where he clapped his hands and yelled "YAAAY!! I LUBES YOOOU MOMMA!!" Like he knew. I was going to start this and finish it. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm anxious. I have a fan club. It's a small one. But if I can't do this for anyone else I will do it for him. He will know he was my inspiration. All because he took a longer nap that day.