Because shes her. shes real. shes giving. shes understanding. shes been thru alot. she knows alot. I admire her. shes patient. she works hard. she plays harder. shes a rebel.

i have loved her since the day i met her. i have never wanted anything or anyone to hurt her. she has seen me at my worst and she has seen me at my best. she doesn't hold anything against me. she has seen me cry. she has seen me laugh. she has seen me crumble. she has seen me dust off and stand up again. she has loved unconditionally. she has left her mark on alot of peoples hearts
we have alot of good times. we have had some bad times. we are the sisters that everyone wants to be like! :) we see the good in everything. we see humor in everything. i love her with all my heart. she will make a good mommy one day. she will continue to pride her self in her work. i :heart: you Jennifer and really appreciate all you do all you have done and all you will continue to do. not just for me. but for everyone around you. you are very much loved!
