Jaxon was sick this week. Which meant some of the following: Sleepless nights for both of us. Cranky mood swings for both of us. Alot of medicine consumed by him. Not wanting to eat, again him ( i eat all the time!) Wanting to be held but not wanting to be touched, mostly all him but sometimes me (on the days i didn't get to shower :) Nothing seems to go right when you are sick. Then one of the mornings he woke up at 4am he had gone back to sleep about 7am and woke up again at 11am! HOORAY! I remember saying when I too woke up! We both got some sleep that day! Him still not being in the mood for anything to eat..i whipped up some pancakes for brunch and he ate 1 1/2! I was excited! Until that afternoon when another cranky mood swing set in and he didn't want to take a nap. Therefore I didn't get to take a nap. Plus we had both not gone anywhere for 3 days and I think we were getting a little stir crazy. Just my guess. Because as soon as daddy got home we hopped in the car...drove off...and he was asleep. O well. He at least got a power nap in. I on the other hand was still a little on the cranky and hungry side that day. All I had was pancakes that day. Its not fun when they are sick. I am glad he is feeling better and he is out today playing with his friends. I have caught up on somethings and gone out and had some fun too. We all need it sometimes.