My new job is awesome! I started full time April 12th. My hours vary. I start at 5am sometimes 9am. I'm off anywhere between 845pm and 915pm. I am however on call...I can be called in sometimes between 2am and 4am (just depending on the disaster). I don't have to dress up. I don't have to wear make-up. I can watch TV or listen to music all day. I can dance and sing and be silly if I want. I can go outside and catch some rays or play with the dog. I can snack all day. I can do whatever I want for lunch and I don't have to be back at a certain time. My family and friends can come by and see me when ever they want to stop by. I don't have a big mean boss pointing his fingers at me when something goes wrong or breathing down my neck to get something finished. I don't have deadlines.
My job description varies. I don't clock in our out. I get paid with kisses and hugs. I kiss boo-boos and wipe away tears. I wipe a small nose with my shirt. I don't take anything for lower back pain or upper shoulder pain...since the job requires me to lift 30lbs at any given notice. I have 2 1/2 -3hours in the afternoon to myself or I to can nap. I have a masters in making fake car noises and making hot wheels crash. I do alot of marketing for Sesame Street, Fish Sticks, Spray & Wash, Huggies & Johnson and Johnson. I have been in training to speak and understand fluent jibberish. I have had eyes installed in the back of my head. I can also wake up at the drop of a pin at 312am!! ( to make sure all is OK) This job has me learning to be patient everyday. There is never a dull moment. I don't do the same thing everyday. I only want his fingers pointing at me...when he needs his deadlines met, his projects finished, his little nose wiped or a boo-boo kissed.