The first time I met Josh one of the first things he told me about was the fact he had 3 daughters. When I told my friends and family about that of course they gasped. This day and age you don't really meet anybody that isn't going to come with a family. The fact that he came with a HUGE past didn't change the way I felt about him...he has grown from it he has learned from it and he claims to be a better person from it. His 9 yr old daughter has been in his custody since Christmas Day 2009. This has been a very stressful and trying 5 months. Her mother and Josh do not get along. Jill has been around her mother more than her father so its sad to say that alot of her mothers bad habits were traits Jill has picked up. This hasn't been easy on me but I have taken it all in stride. I love all his girls as if they were my own, but there is still that fine line of them "not being mine" The parenting issues are a huge factor with me. Being the "step mom" there is a line I cant cross but then again there is since I too am a caregiver of the child. I cant expect her to be like me. I cant expect her to have the same attitude as me. I cant expect her to want to do things with me. The sad thing is since her mom and I don't get along she has forced Jill to have a bad attitude about our relationship. That has caused stress with Josh and I. I cant make her love me she has to do that on her own. Same days are better than others with her. More good than bad i will add. Jill is a smart girl. She is sweet. She has a heart of gold. Being involved in a mix family isn't easy. I have had to learn to make it easy. The one thing I never wanted was this to cause a wedge with Jaxon. I want him to grow up knowing that we did everything possible to make Jill's life a lot easier than it used to be. I want her to grow up knowing the same thing. I have no idea what is in store for her future I just hope that she will remember all the good that her dad has done to make sure she has all she needs and will ever need.