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Showing posts from August, 2009

Our Hero

Our little man is now 9 months old...eating what he loves before saving the world.....strawberries... His way of telling us the world is safe now!! My work here is done.... Being a 9 month old Superhero can he a tough job....but someone has to do it!!

Rub a Dub Dub....

After several attempts of trying to put his wash rag on his head, I went ahead and tossed it on there for him. His girlfriends are going to LOVE this picture of him. He will not like me for that! The new game! Throw the duck! This is where he throws the ducks over along with ALOT of water and mommy picks them up and throws them back in...I'm glad he thinks it's funny! My back does not think this is funny! So then the next new game was....getting the rag off his head....getting it even more wet and splashing the whole kitchen. Which in my opinion I think it's a good idea, less mopping! He really makes bath time look sooo much fun! The piggies after his almost 30 min bath! His big toe looks like a huge raisin... I love it!! Then we have our nightly story time. In all honesty I have this book memorized but since he knows what a kitty is he loves trying to pick at the kitty and yelling "Aaeee Aaaeeee!!" which is Annie and that's our kitty's all ...

The night at the Amusement Park...

We have an amusement park in the town we live in...and whereas its not much to write home about...the kiddos have fun! Jessie loves this ride shes on...and she made some "BFF's" in the matter where she goes...she always makes a friend! Josh, my nephew Z and I getting ready for a roller coaster. He was being goofy! Jessie felt bad for Jaxon. She said.."Its not fair the only thing he can ride in is his stroller, I want to take him on a ride!" Well here she is next to his ride! Josh and Z went off to do there own thing so me and Jessie went and did ours..they have a water ride that leaves you soaked plus you can stand on the bridge and get even more wet. Rode the ride once...stood on the bridge 3 times....I still have water in my ears!! Josh and Z standing in line for another ride. The one that takes you upside down and inside out!! The night was a blast and the park will soon close until school is out for next summer!!

In my moment...

The kissable piggies are getting bigger!! In my May 19th blog I posted pictures of his feet at 4 weeks 6 months and now....he is almost a week shy of becoming a 9 month old. I have shopped for shoes but only to know that within 2 weeks they will be bigger. I think I will have to wait until the weather starts getting cooler before we commit! Enjoy your Thursday...I'm off to kiss some piggies .....

The things I have noticed lately...

...That Jaxon LOVES ...I mean LOVES Oreos!! And why wouldn't he? I mean I could live on theses things...OK maybe not so much but I do have wonderful childhood memories of eating them (with milk of course) with my grandma when I would stay at her house. This is his first cookie memory. When he's older we will eat them together (with milk of course) There's no denying here he is indeed mine!!! ...That the big stainless steel bowl has become is new favorite toy....not that he needs anymore by the look of whats around him, but still. He hits the bowl, he picks the bowl up, he puts all his toys in it and then dumps them all out. All this time....I could have just given him a bowl.... HAHAA !! ...That when you are outside, no matter whats going on around you, you should just SPIN around. For no reason at all. Enjoy the sun, the shade and the company around you as well....but just enjoy life. She has a spirit about her. Daddy was showing her how to throw the ball to the dog and ...

A Princess and her Smoothie

So its hot outside and there's fresh and frozen fruit inside. Jessie wanted something cold but also wanted something to go with her strawberries . So I got the blender out and we whipped up a concoction. Jessie didn't think it would all fit in the blender....but we managed to get it all in there. And the treat to this hot Saturday....yogurt smoothie. Complete with a banana ....some blueberries .... some strawberries ... drop of honey and of course love. So the Princess enjoyed her cold treat complete with everything she was hungry and thirsty for! Enjoy your day!!

I sometimes always never.....

I sometimes..... * Don't take a shower on the weekend (unless I *have* to) * Go to bed without dinner * Kiss Jaxon waaay more than he likes * Don't tell Josh goodnight * Spend more useless time on the Internet than I should I always..... * Brush my teeth before going to bed * Rock Jaxon to sleep every night * Wear my seat belt * Keep in touch with my grandma * Kiss Jaxon waaay more than he likes I never..... * Go any where with out chap stick * Go a day without washing my face * Exercise * Finish a book I start * Go a day with out kissing Jaxon more than I should

When I was your age....

It's funny because I ran across this article about the gadgets kids have these days and the things they will not know existed....or even how they worked. A month or so ago I say to Josh..."Kids these days will never know what watching a TV with antennas will be like or how to rewind a cassette tape." Part of my childhood we had a TV we turned on with a set of pliers and would have to adjust the antennas depending on what channel we were watching out of the 5 we had. Caller ID didn't exist. Walkmans were huge!! You researched homework in an encyclopedia. You recorded shows on a VHS. There was actually a time before "reality TV". You never had the want or need to know what your friends were doing every minute of their day. You actually had to remember someones phone number. Neat Handwriting. Swimming pools with diving boards. Waiting for the #1 hit in the movies to make it to TV. Hershey bars in silver wrappers. Having to manually unlock car doors. Playing ou...
So his top teeth are coming in now and he would rather chew on the box of orajel rather than let me put the medicine on him... As of July 29...Jaxon is 8months old....trying to crawl...babbling more and more...laughing at everything and making us laugh more and more....wearing 18month size kisses....eating more.....learning to pull the cats ear....looking just like daddy...and loving life!!