Quiet Time! Don't get me wrong I love when I can be home and play, giggle, coo and even hear him fuss, cause that is all part of it too. And although I never really believed the people that would tell me that "it's different when it's your kid" (as far as hearing other kids cry and throwing fits) When I was much younger, way before the thought of having kids entered my mind, I couldn't stand hearing other kids fuss and throw tantrums....."My kids will NOT do that!" ummm NEWSFLASH JESSICA....Yes they will!!! And there will someone somewhere looking at my kids thinking the same thing I once did.
Kids fuss. Kids throw fits. I cant wait for Jaxon to throw a fit in Wal-mart cause I have said no for the 100th time on the same question he has ask 100 times....I will look around blankly and say "who's kid is this?!" But for now I will soak it up...the quiet moments. For the time before his naps are shorter and few between. I use afternoons like this for my time. Whether I catch up on sleep, paint my toenails, catch up on 2weeks of Greys, shave my legs or sit and stare at him...I soak it all in. He won't be this small (or quiet) forever. And I'm the weird parent that can't wait until he starts talking. I'm curious about how he will see the world.