The never-ending laundry!!......I am one of those weird ones that actually likes doing the laundry....I just don't like the folding and the hanging .....all to do it over again in a few days!!.....the good thing is there is only 3 of us and the 3rd one is still a baby.....so i really only have to do his basket maybe twice a week.....cause lets face it the kid has more clothes now than i think i have had the last 10 years of my life!!!! o well.....its been a pretty crazy week....I still haven't been able to return to work.....i go to the Dr next week to have my stitches removed and once that's over and done with then i will be able to go back....i still have to take the baby to the sitter...cause technically hes over my weight limit to be lifting ( but i do it anyway)......i think it helps in the healing process....teehee!!