Ok.......So....I highly DO NOT recommend the plumbing business we are using!!....But I'm still not going to bad mouth them on the WWW. They stink.....they aren't done.....they wont be here until next Friday....and when I saw next Friday.....a week from now!! We can flush the toilet and that's it!! Everything because of them is on stand still......I started this blog with intentions to sound a little bit more positive about life....well...so it goes....it isn't always that way.....You would also think this blog was made for the love I have for the cat and well that isn't the case either!!
On a differant note....our 4 week check-up was earlier this week and everything is GREAT....no birth defects, my blood pressure is great, I'm gaining a pound a week...which is good and it's all baby so....the heartbeat was 156...everything is still on schedule for August 20 and that will be when we find out the sex!!...Now that I can't wait for!!!
I just woke up...well 2 hours ago and I need a nap....I need breakfast and I need to brush my teeth...wheres that water bottle??!.....I want to do what the cat does all day!! and again so it goes.....Enjoy the weekend...stay cool.....run under a sprinkler if you see one today!!!