.....from blogging anyway. I don't take a break from anything else. I haven't sat in front of my computer to blog in a while and i need to catch up! This school year started and hasn't slowed down at all! Now, I know i am not the only busy mom out there so stop rolling your eyes thinking....this lady has NO idea how busy I am!! Hey! It's not a competition! My oldest is a sophomore this year and decided that before school even started she wanted to be involved in sports, newspaper and a play. She also has a job at a local grocery store and plays violin for the youth symphony. She quickly learned 2 months into the school year that she has completely overbooked and over whelmed herself. Well....I don't raise quitters. As much as she wanted to throw in the towel at a few of these things, i wouldn't let her. For the simple fact that this is life. Am i mean? I don't care. Am i taking away a huge chunk of her childhood? Nope! What i am doing is simply teachin...