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Showing posts from December, 2014


Today I found myself at the Rail Road tracks. The same tracks my dad would make it a point to drive by in hopes we would get stopped by a train. The same tracks i had pictures taken on after my divorce. And today I was there with a dear friend. We laughed.We cried. And as she takes on this new long and scary road in life I am reminded that the tracks take the old and the new. You can walk it in hopes it will take you to new places. You can hop a train in hopes it could take you back to where it was all comfortable once before. I look at the place. The place where i had so many memories flood me today. And I made it a point after taking her pictures so sit and get stopped by a train. So i could sit and finish crying with her in silence and have some tears of my own. And finish laughing at what her and I thought was funny and then had some laughs of my own. Then I just finished sitting there in a much needed silence. I needed to clear my head. I needed to sit and listen to the loud train...

The bug. The flu. The germs.....

i do everything in my power to keep this house germ free. Lysol. clorox wipes. I wash bedding in hot water. i exhaust myself deep cleaning the house 2 days a week. YES you read that right. 2 days a week. i try my hardest to keep the kids in a little bubble of well during the cold and flu season and up until this year we have gone 4 years with NO flu! but Jaxon was hit with a 12 hour stomach bug a few weeks back that sent him home from school and came with a low grade fever. after a quick run to the local pharmacy, lots of rest, soup and crackers, plenty of fluids he was himself again. 12 hours that thing lasted and we kicked its butt outta here. 3 weeks later i get a fever of 102.5. came with body aches, bone chilling chills and weakness. a cool shower, plenty of Tylenol and fluids later i was done with what lasted an eternity in my mind, only lasted 12 hours. so i convinced myself that had I only deep cleaned the house once a week we would have 24 hour bugs, but i do it twice a week a...

Times flyin!

My last post was in October when we went to the pumpkin patch! Its amazing how quickly the days can go by. We had a fun Halloween and a great Thanksgiving. The kids are kicking butt in school and orchestra and piano. Jaxon and Jessie are taking piano lessons this year and next. Jaxon has been so musically inclined since he was 2. It was time to get him some lessons. We are firm believers that this also helps them with school. But then again, we do have some pretty smart kiddos :) My Christmas shopping and wrapping is complete. I did all this before the big "Christmas Bonus" hit. And for that I am so proud. We can add to the savings account going into the new year. Speaking of the new year..... I need to get busy on that list I always make but never do anything with.... HAPPY SUNDAY!