Saturday morning cartoons aren't what they were when i was younger. They just aren't cartoons to me. So whatever it is that daddy and jaxon watch on Saturday mornings together, well, that's their cup of tea (or chocolate milk). They might watch a movie or that same episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse hes been stuck on all week. I have seen (actually heard) Toy Story 3 more than I would like to admit at this point. I do recite that movie often and could probably act out scenes on the spot if someone ask me to. Cars is another one that we finally had to retire only because with the help of 2 year old hands its scratched and doesn't "play" anymore. It actually does but stops with 20 minutes remaining. I wont tell Jaxon that and the huge plus is he doesn't even log onto my blog so we will keep that a secret. Rio is the newest movie in the house. Its funny, catchy and has some great music so for a while i know that's what will be playing ever Saturday mor...