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Showing posts from February, 2010

Who's Bad?

I have said time and time again that our cat belongs in the jungles of South Africa. She is mean. She beats up our poor dog. But he packs a punch and a bite too. So its not *all* fun and games for Annie. See what I mean. It was like she was hunting for prey and belongs in the magazine National Geographic! So we locked them both up. Well hey, they were both fighting so they can enjoy time out together...I think anyway! But no sooner than that door opened they were back at it. I think the south African hunters called and want their cat back....

Pool Time!

We have had cabin fever with all this snow on the ground. It really puts a damper on outdoor activities. So we did the next best thing and hit up an indoor pool and hot tub. We had alot of fun. Got out of the house. Got some good exercise and some quality family time. My mom was actually in town and we went and hung out at the pool for the day. Jaxon loves the water. Even indoors the pool was still a little cool and the hot tub was just as warm as his bath it all worked out because that's where he preferred to hang out anyway. I really cant wait to catch some sun and pool time this summer. But this day was a good day nonetheless!

I called Spring....

I called Spring and told her I was ready to see these everywhere instead of snow. I couldn't really make out what she said but I have a feeling its going to be cold for quite some time now!! Dang Global Warming!!


I need one. I want to curl up on a nice warm spot, preferably under a blanket, and just nap. The weather lately has not been nice to me. I am so tired of the snow and cold I cant stand it any more. I am ready for green grass, the temp to stay above in the 70s actually, allergies (because let's face it whats spring without a runny nose, a stopped up nose and constant sneezing and red watery eyes??) I want to go to the park and play. That's all. Not asking for much Mother just get off my bad side OK?

Peaches and Pancakes

These kids LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE peaches. Since that's not all i can give them and expect them to be full, I made heart shaped pancakes to go with them. Jessie was so happy about that. Her words to me..." You read my mind...I love heartful pancakes!" She makes me smile!! Jaxon on the other hand is not a huge fan of pancakes. That is why I had to mix the peaches in with bites of pancake. So I thought he would like syrup and not so much. He would rather eat peaches. Although he ate 2 1/2 pancakes for not liking them all that much, but whatev.

I can not do a cartwheel!!

Jessie is in gymnastics...or as she calls them..."nastics". Anyway...they are learning to do cartwheels. I loved doing cartwheels when I was younger so I jumped on the opportunity to show her how its done so that her "nastics" teacher will be O so proud of her next week. First...(and thank goodness there are NO pictures of this!!) I can not do a cartwheel...anymore...Im old. My wrist gave out. I fel on my booty 3 times!!. So after Jessie stopped laughing at me I thought I would let her give it a whirl. I'm showing her feet positions and telling her its really best to get a running start to do a good cartwheel. She told me she cant stand still and run at the same time! Well good to that I say...Lets go in and have some ice cream then! We will practice some more next time...when I dont have any ice cream in the freezer distracting us!

Guitar Heroes

So we are hoping that Jaxon takes a huge interest in the music field. We will not push him into it but encourage it and hope he just goes with it. Josh is so proud of Jaxons "rockstar" image here. Really (and I am speaking honestly...the only thing i *haven't* done is contact them...) he should be on the cover of Rolling Stone. Hey its worth a shot...i mean i pay them every year...the least they can do is put him on a cover or feature a story. I'm just sayin... Hes getting it down. In his own way. I see a little guitar in his near near future!!

My lil' heartbreaker

Yes our son wore a pink, eerr i mean salmon, colored shirt for his Valentines Party at his day care. He wasn't to impressed with the collar. It was getting in the way of his chin(s). But he managed to come home home with a bag full of candy and gave away a heartful of love .

Here dad..let me help..

Is this what you need? Lemme see what youre doing there... Now what are these for? To keep me out?? I dont get into anything!! Hard work never hurt anyone i will rub your back while you do it all...

He does this so well

He looks at ease when he is sleeping. Napping or bedtime i never can help just staring at him sometimes. His Mambo Monkey that he loves so much. The weird thing is that he sleeps with him for naps but at bed time Jaxon tosses him to the other side of the crib.