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Showing posts from March, 2009

I love spending the days......lazy....and with him....

He is doing so much now.....really wanting to stand up but he tries to push himself all the way on his knees when he's on his belly....he's holding his head up better. AMAZING ....not long ago it was my up whenever...ate whenever...could grab my keys and go my world is his....i wouldn't want it any other way....just for time to slow down just a little bit....i was thinking the other day and in 8 months he will be ONE!!!.....there is soooo much more he will be doing and learning and i cant wait....because honestly I'm doing and learning as well.....until then...i soak it all in....all week long i cant wait for days like today...where its me and him hanging out.....(while daddy's at work of course)....

This one's for you Jennifer!!

I went on a ice cream "diet" for about a week I think.......a few days before my gallbladder surgery i picked this ice cream up at the store....sat in the freezer until the day of my surgery......i ate it late that night...and fell IN LOVE!!!....craved and craved this ice the point that Josh thought I may be pregnant!....not the case....just in love with this ice i get some more and i take my time (days to eat the pint) and then go back and get more...except this time i ate it all at once and i think i may have made myself sick on it!!......either way its my new fave.....told my little sister about and she loved it as well....maybe NOT as much as me...but she liked it nonetheless!!! going to the store!!!

I shall call it......MINI ME!!!

The day has come....actually came about a month ago.....but you never really think to take pics of the dishwasher!!!....It matches the great.....I was stoked that we actually got one.....I couldn't go another day....not that washing dishes bothered me....but the time spent on bottle cleaning was really a time killer......soak in hot water..... scrub...soak....steam....ugh it was exhausting....but no worries hit of a button and I'm done!!!!

When it finally catches up with you...

The never-ending laundry!!......I am one of those weird ones that actually likes doing the laundry....I just don't like the folding and the hanging .....all to do it over again in a few days!!.....the good thing is there is only 3 of us and the 3rd one is still a i really only have to do his basket maybe twice a week.....cause lets face it the kid has more clothes now than i think i have had the last 10 years of my life!!!! o well.....its been a pretty crazy week....I still haven't been able to return to work.....i go to the Dr next week to have my stitches removed and once that's over and done with then i will be able to go back....i still have to take the baby to the sitter...cause technically hes over my weight limit to be lifting ( but i do it anyway)......i think it helps in the healing process....teehee!!

OOO much needed sleep....

Our little man is under the weather and can't return to day care for 2 days. Luckily his Dr was the on call Dr Sunday and was able to see him and treat him. He tested negative for RSV (thank-goodness) but he has a bad case of allergies and a viral infection. Nothing that breathing treatments every 4 hours won't take care of. He's doing good and over all feels good, just has chest congestion and a really stuffy nose. I'm off the next 2 days to stay at home with him ( all sick babies need their mommy!) and then I will work for 2 days then be off again because I will be getting my gallbladder taken out Friday!! EEEKK!!!.....having the baby was the first major thing I had ever been in the hospital for..whereas that was an OK experience I figured I was done with hospital visits (for me)....It's day surgery so it should be fine and on the plus side I will feel a million times better... and also the cat goes in Tues for her claws to be removed and she will return home Wed....