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Showing posts from August, 2008

Rhinestone shades or cheap sunglasses......

Oh Yeah......ZZ TOP baby!!! Not until November 1....but still....i can be excited all i want to's ZZ freakin TOP!!!!!! I grew up on im not THAT old......but they were classic then and they are classic now......I know all the songs.....ive seen the music videos first hand....and on Nov 1 i'll be center stage.....a few rows back!! im countin the days...ill be wearin my funky fine levis and my sweater kinda tight..oh yeah......

FYI....Prayers are answered!!

We found out Wednesday August 20 that we are having a boy!! Everything with this pregnancy has been perfect. I got pregnant when I wanted to, wasn't sick at all, and we are having a little boy just like we wanted. The due date is still estimated to be around Dec 24. And again so far everything is right on track. Now if I could just decide on the nursery decor!!!

What's Behind Curtain #1??

Take a guess........yup!!..its' a shower!! And we also have water...o and hot water too!!!!! I don't have to wake up an hour early to drive to my sisters each morning. There were a few times I wanted to either call in or go a few days without a shower.....but decided against both. O I can bathe and the clothes can be washed all under one roof now. I can officially quit griping!!! That's really all I have to say this week. It's been raining all day and it's 73 degrees. This kind of weather makes me want to I'm do just that!!

The positive side of things....I keep flipping...I can't find it...

Ok.......So....I highly DO NOT recommend the plumbing business we are using!!....But I'm still not going to bad mouth them on the WWW. They stink.....they aren't done.....they wont be here until next Friday....and when I saw next Friday.....a week from now!! We can flush the toilet and that's it!! Everything because of them is on stand still......I started this blog with intentions to sound a little bit more positive about it isn't always that way.....You would also think this blog was made for the love I have for the cat and well that isn't the case either!! On a differant note....our 4 week check-up was earlier this week and everything is birth defects, my blood pressure is great, I'm gaining a pound a week...which is good and it's all baby so....the heartbeat was 156...everything is still on schedule for August 20 and that will be when we find out the sex!!...Now that I can't wait for!!! I just woke up...well 2...

The Simple Things

We are all moved!!....not unpacked, just all moved!! This week was jam packed with stress! We wont have water until Monday because the plumbing had to be completly redone.....We got the new furniture Thursday....and all the clothes are on the floor because we have no closet rods......I shouldn't complain....I'm a lucky one that doesnt have to live on the 3rd story apartment anymore....I have a home I can call my own and I don't have to share the steps with anyone!! (hehehe) I'm glad the weekend is here....We have had to lock the cat up all week ( in a room of course with her food water and liter....dont go calling PETA on me!!) Im enjoying the house....the quiteness today....the fact that the cat can raom free...and catch the rest of the flies the plumbers let in!!....Enjoy your weekend and also the very simple things in life....sometimes they don't come easy....and sometimes they are right under your nose!!!