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Showing posts from May, 2018

Another school year in the books...

We are 7 1/2 school days away from another summer. I will have a 4th grader, an 8th grader and a Senior next year. I am wanting to slow down and enjoy all things summer this year. I want to disconnect from social media more and take a few more road trips. I want to spend more one-on-one time with each of my kids. I want to be in more pictures with them and not just car selfies. During the school year we are busy and I forget to slow down. I have had that as a "new years resolution" for many years now and I just forget that it's ok to slow down and stop. I need this. For my sanity. For my health. For my kids. My junior brought home a book of everything we are to do for senior year and I was tired after reading the first 2 pages. I mean good grief. Can the school system not give these kids a break? We have deadlines to meet starting in July. And as much as we will try to get it all done, it will be around our schedule. Because I enjoy our afternoons at the p...